Exercise \- Corrupt SBL Component

CorruptComponentUtility (static corruption tool)

The CorruptComponentUtility tool corrupts an SBL component (e.g. an item from its flash map) in either an IFWI or standalone SBL image. This tool is useful for testing the firmware resiliency and recovery feature (see Firmware Resiliency and Recovery).

Command Syntax:

usage: CorruptComponentUtility.py [-h] -i INPUT_IMAGE -o OUTPUT_IMAGE -p COMPONENT_PATH

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_IMAGE, --input-image INPUT_IMAGE
                        Specify input IFWI/SBL image file path
-o OUTPUT_IMAGE, --output-image OUTPUT_IMAGE
                        Specify output IFWI/SBL image file path
                        Specify path of component to corrupt in IFWI/SBL binary (e.g. IFWI/BIOS/TS0/SG1A for BP0 Stage 1A of IFWI binary, use IfwiUtility.py to see all available paths)

Command Example:

python CorruptComponentUtility.py -i sbl_ifwi.bin -o sbl_ifwi_corrupt.bin -p IFWI/BIOS/TS0/SG1B

If the input/output is an IFWI, the output can be flashed directly to the board and booted. This will exercise SBL corruption handling (e.g. recovery or halt).

If the input/output is an SBL image, the output can be integrated into a FW update capsule and a FW update can be run on the board to consume the FW update capsule (see Firmware Update). This will exercise SBL corruption handing (e.g. recovery or halt).

corruptcomp (runtime corruption tool)

The corruptcomp tool corrupts an SBL component (e.g. an item from its flash map) in the SPI flash. This tool is useful for testing the firmware resiliency and recovery feature (see Firmware Resiliency and Recovery).

The corruptcomp tool can be added into OSL shell. To get it to show up, include ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandCorruptComp); in the LoadShellCommands function of ShellCmds.c. Also, to ensure BIOS region is writable by the tool, set FspsConfig->PchWriteProtectionEnable[PrIndex] = FALSE; for each existing PrIndex in the UpdateFspConfig function of the platform’s FspsUpdUpdateLib.c.

For example, in C:\SblPlatform\SblOpen\BootloaderCommonPkg\Library\ShellLib\ShellCmds.c, the following addition should be made:

// Basic Shell commands
ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandExit);
ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandHelp);
ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandMm);
ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandCpuid);
ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandMsr);
ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandMtrr);
ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandUcode);
ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandCls);

if (!FeaturePcdGet (PcdMiniShellEnabled)) {
    // More Shell commands
    ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandPci);
    ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandHob);
    ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandMmap);
    ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandPerf);
    ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandBoot);
    ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandMmcDll);
    ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandCdata);
    ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandDmesg);
    ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandReset);
    ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandFs);
    ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandUsbDev);

    // Load Platform specific shell commands
    ShellExtensionCmds = GetShellExtensionCmds ();
    for (Iter = ShellExtensionCmds; *Iter != NULL; Iter++) {
    ShellCommandRegister (Shell, *Iter);

ShellCommandRegister (Shell, &ShellCommandCorruptComp); // Added

And in SblOpen\Platform\AlderlakeBoardPkg\Library\FspsUpdUpdateLib\FspsUpdUpdateLib.c, the following changes should be made:

if (GetBootMode () != BOOT_ON_FLASH_UPDATE) {
    BiosProtected = FALSE;
    PrIndex = 0;
    Status = SpiGetRegionAddress (FlashRegionBios, &BaseAddress, &TotalSize);
    if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        BiosProtected = TRUE;
        Status = GetComponentInfo (FLASH_MAP_SIG_UEFIVARIABLE, &Address, &VarSize);
        if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
            // Protect the BIOS region except for the UEFI variable region
            Address -= ((UINT32)(~TotalSize) + 1);

            FspsConfig->PchWriteProtectionEnable[PrIndex] = FALSE; // Changed from TRUE
            FspsConfig->PchReadProtectionEnable[PrIndex]  = FALSE;
            FspsConfig->PchProtectedRangeBase[PrIndex]    = (UINT16) (BaseAddress >> 12);
            FspsConfig->PchProtectedRangeLimit[PrIndex]   = (UINT16) ((BaseAddress + Address - 1) >> 12);

            FspsConfig->PchWriteProtectionEnable[PrIndex] = FALSE; // Changed from TRUE
            FspsConfig->PchReadProtectionEnable[PrIndex]  = FALSE;
            FspsConfig->PchProtectedRangeBase[PrIndex]    = (UINT16) ((BaseAddress + Address + VarSize) >> 12);
            FspsConfig->PchProtectedRangeLimit[PrIndex]   = (UINT16) ((BaseAddress + TotalSize - 1) >> 12);
        } else {
            // Protect the whole BIOS region
            FspsConfig->PchWriteProtectionEnable[PrIndex] = FALSE; // Changed from TRUE
            FspsConfig->PchReadProtectionEnable[PrIndex]  = FALSE;
            FspsConfig->PchProtectedRangeBase[PrIndex]    = (UINT16) (BaseAddress >> 12);
            FspsConfig->PchProtectedRangeLimit[PrIndex]   = (UINT16) ((BaseAddress + TotalSize - 1) >> 12);
    DEBUG (((BiosProtected) ? DEBUG_INFO : DEBUG_WARN, "BIOS SPI region will %a protected\n", (BiosProtected) ? "be" : "NOT BE"));


This tool should not be enabled in production builds as its use can prevent the system from booting in certain circumstances.


If SBL is corrupted by this tool and unable to boot, reflashing SBL to SPI is necessary.

Command Syntax:

Usage: corruptcomp <boot partition> <component>
Example: corruptcomp 1 SG1A
Example: corruptcomp 0 SG1B
Example: corruptcomp 0 SG02

Command Example:

corruptcomp 0 SG1B

After one or more corruptions, a reset should be run to exercise SBL with the corruptions.

Behavior when SBL component is corrupted

If SBL resiliency is enabled and an SBL component is corrupted, the system halts for some time after hash verification of the corrupted component fails. If an IBB corruption is present (i.e. a corruption in uCode, ACM, Stage 1A, Configuration Data, Key Hash, or Stage 1B), a recovery flow on the opposite partition is immediately launched. If an OBB corruption is present (i.e. a corruption in Stage 2 or Firmware Update Payload), the boot is tried a total of 3 times on the current partition before a recovery flow is launched on the opposite partition. If both partitions are corrupted, the system halts and reboots are discontinued.

During the recovery flow, the working boot partition is written to the failing boot partition. In the case of a failure on normal boot, the backup partition is copied to the primary partition. In the case of a failure on update boot, the primary partition is copied to the backup partition. After both cases, a normal boot occurs from the primary partition.

OBB Corruption Example

To test recovery from OBB corruption, first build an IFWI with resiliency (see Firmware Resiliency and Recovery) and corruptcomp tool (see corruptcomp (runtime corruption tool)) enabled. Then, flash the IFWI to board.

Next, boot to OSL shell and run the following commands:

corruptcomp 0 SG02

The following logs should be output:

============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE1A =============
============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE1B =============
Loading Stage2 error - Security Violation !
Failed to load Stage2!
============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE1A =============
============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE1B =============
Loading Stage2 error - Security Violation !
Failed to load Stage2!
============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE1A =============
============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE1B =============
Loading Stage2 error - Security Violation !
Failed to load Stage2!
============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE1A =============
============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE1B =============
Boot failure occurred! Failed boot count: 3
Boot failure threshold reached! Switching to partition: 1
============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE1A =============
============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE1B =============
MODE: 18
============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE2 =============
Firmware update mode, unlock Bios setting
Loading Payload ID FWUP
Loading Component FLMP:FWUP
Triggered FW recovery!
Updating 0x00A00000, Size:0x010000
Finished     1%
Finished   100%
Exiting Firmware Update (Status: Success)
Set next FWU state: 0x77
Reset required to proceed.

============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE1A =============
============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE1B =============
============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE2 =============
====================Os Loader====================
Starting Kernel ...

IBB Corruption Example

To test recovery from IBB corruption, first build an IFWI with resiliency enabled (see Firmware Resiliency and Recovery). Then, flash the IFWI to board.

Next, corrupt the SBL image using the following command:

python CorruptComponentUtility.py -i sbl.bin -o sbl_corrupt.bin -p IFWI/BIOS/TS1/SG1B

Next, embed the corrupted SBL image into a FW update capsule and transfer it to board. Then, boot to OSL shell and launch a firmware update (see Firmware Update).

The following logs should be output:

============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE1A =============
============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE1B =============
MODE: 18
============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE2 =============
Firmware update mode, unlock Bios setting
Loading Payload ID FWUP
Loading Component FLMP:FWUP
Triggered FW update!
=================Read Capsule Image==============
Updating Slim Bootloader from version 1 to version 2
Updating 0x00600000, Size:0x010000
Finished     0%
Finished   100%
Set next FWU state: 0x7E
Reset required to proceed.

============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE1A =============
============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE1B =============
Partition to be updated is same as current boot partition (primary)
MODE: 18
============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE2 =============
Firmware update mode, unlock Bios setting
Loading Payload ID FWUP
Loading Component FLMP:FWUP
Triggered FW recovery!
Updating 0x00600000, Size:0x010000
Finished     1%
Finished   100%
Exiting Firmware Update (Status: Success)
Set next FWU state: 0x77
Reset required to proceed.

============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE1A =============
============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE1B =============
============= Intel Slim Bootloader STAGE2 =============
====================Os Loader====================
Starting Kernel ...