Container Tool is a tool used to generate the Slim Bootloader container images in a binary file format.

An SBL container is an encapsulation of multiple components as depicted in the following image:

Container structure

Image Types

1. Normal

This type of container contains a single component in it. The Component may be an ELF file, an UEFI-PI FV binary, or a PE32 file.

  • example command:

    python create -t NORMAL -cl UEFI:UefiPld.fd

2. Classic Linux

This container type is used to boot a typical Linux operating system. This container is made up of atleast two components - the kernel command line, and kernel image.

SBL expects the components inside the container in the following order: kernel command line, kernel image, and an optional initrd.

  • Dummy files need to be provided if one of the component is not in use.

  • For example, if initrd is not used, a dummy file needs to be provided in place of the initrd.

Additionally, more optional components like ACPI tables, and firmware blobs can be added to the container.

Some device drivers may require binary blobs for initialization. These are typically loaded from the filesytem. In some use cases like fast boot, having access to these blobs before the filesystem is mounted may be desirable. Packaging blobs within the container provides these drivers a way to get the blobs without waiting for the filesystem to be mounted. When these additional blobs are packaged in the container, SBL can load them to memory and pass the memory address to the operating system through the kernel command line. For this, SBL expects a placeholder in the command line to put the address into. For example, if the blob’s component name when creating the container was specified as BLOB, SBL will look for the string SBL.BLOB=0x0000000000000000 in the cmdline. The zeroes will be patched with the actual memory address at which the blob was loaded.

File Order: cmdline.txt, bzImage (kernel), initrd, acpi, firmware1, firmware2, …

The Classic Linux container’s format is laid out below.

  • example command:

    python create -t CLASSIC -cl CMDL:cmdline.txt KRNL:bzImage INRD:initrd SBL.BLOB=0x0000000000000000

3. Multiboot ELF

This type of container stores Multiboot / Multiboot-2 compliant ELF binaries and their corresponding command line files in pairs. The first ELF binary in the Multiboot container is assumed to be the one used for booting. If a binary does not use a command line, a dummy file needs to be provided in place of the command line file.

Files: cmdline1, elf1, cmdline2, elf2, …

  • example command:

    python create -t MULTIBOOT -cl CMD1:cmdline1 ELF1:mb.elf CMD2:cmdline2 ELF2:mb2.elf


The default container type is Classic Linux.

ACPI Table Update

All the three container types support ACPI table update by packaging the ACPI blobs with the container. The method is slightly different for the MULTIBOOT container due to the nature of the files being present in pairs.

  • For NORMAL / CLASSIC LINUX containers:

    ACPI blobs can be packaged into the container using the component name ACPI. SBL will detect this component as a special case and update the ACPI tables.

  • example command:

    python create -t NORMAL -cl UEFI:UefiPld.fd ACPI:Dsdt.aml
  • For MULTIBOOT containers:

    Since Multiboot files are in pairs (cmdline / boot file), a command line file containing a special signature is used to indicate that the corresponding boot file is actually an ACPI blob. The command used to create this file is:

    • Linux command to create signature file:

      $ echo -n -e '\x86\x00\xb1\xac' > acpi_cmd
  • example command to create container:

    python create -t MULTIBOOT -cl CMD1:cmdline1 ELF1:mb.elf CMD2:cmdline2 ELF2:mb2.elf DUMY:acpi_cmd DSDT:Dsdt.aml

Tool Usage

Following operations are supported:

usage: [-h] {view,create,extract,replace,sign} ...

positional arguments:
    view                display a container image
    create              create a container image
    extract             extract a component image
    replace             replace a component image
    sign                compress and sign a component image

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • view:

    usage: view [-h] -i IMAGE
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help  show this help message and exit
      -i IMAGE    Container input image
  • example:

    python view -i ContainerImage.bin
  • create:

    usage: create [-h] (-l LAYOUT | -cl COMP_LIST [COMP_LIST ...])
                                  [-t IMG_TYPE] [-o OUT_PATH] [-k KEY_PATH]
                                  [-cd COMP_DIR] [-td TOOL_DIR]
                                  [-a {SHA2_256, SHA2_384, RSA2048_PKCS1_SHA2_256, RSA3072_PKCS1_SHA2_384, RSA2048_PSS_SHA2_256, RSA3072_PSS_SHA2_384,  NONE}]
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -l LAYOUT             Container layout intput file if no -cl
      -cl COMP_LIST [COMP_LIST ...]
                            List of each component files, following XXXX:FileName format
      -t IMG_TYPE           Container Image Type : [NORMAL, CLASSIC, MULTIBOOT]
      -o OUT_PATH           Container output directory/file
      -a {SHA2_256,
                            Authentication algorithm
      -k KEY_PATH           KEY_ID or Private key file
      -cd COMP_DIR          Componet image input directory
      -td TOOL_DIR          Compression tool directory
      -s  SVN               Security version number for Component for  no -cl option
  • Example 1 - using component list (-cl):

    python create -cl CMDL:cmdline.txt:$svn KRNL:vmlinuz:$svn INRD:initrd:$svn -o Out
  • When using a component list, the container header’s component name will be BOOT.

  • $svn is optional

  • Example 2 - using component layout file (-l):

    python create -l layout.txt -o Out
  • Name of the container header component will be the name specified in the layout.txt file.


layout.txt can look like following:

# Container Layout File
#    Name ,  ImageFile      ,CompAlg  ,  AuthType,                KeyFile                     , Alignment,  Size,     Svn
# ============================================================================================================================
  ( 'BOOT', 'Out'           , ''      , 'RSA2048_PSS_SHA2_256', 'KEY_ID_CONTAINER_RSA3072'        ,  0,     0,    0),  <--- Container Hdr
  ( 'CMDL', 'cmdline.txt'   , 'Lz4'   , 'RSA2048_PSS_SHA2_256', 'KEY_ID_CONTAINER_COMP_RSA3072'   ,  0,     0,    0),  <--- Component Entry 1
  ( 'KRNL', 'vmlinuz'       , 'Lz4'   , 'RSA2048_PSS_SHA2_256', 'KEY_ID_CONTAINER_COMP_RSA3072'   ,  0,     0,    0),  <--- Component Entry 2
  ( 'INRD', 'initrd'        , 'Lz4'   , 'RSA2048_PSS_SHA2_256', 'KEY_ID_CONTAINER_COMP_RSA3072'   ,  0,     0,    0),  <--- Component Entry 3

If you provide the full path or a file/dir name to output or key, in both layout.txt and command line, command line options will always overwrite the values in layout.txt.

  • extract:

    usage: extract [-h] -i IMAGE [-n COMP_NAME] [-od OUT_DIR]
                                  [-td TOOL_DIR]
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help    show this help message and exit
      -i IMAGE      Container input image path
      -n COMP_NAME  Component name to extract
      -od OUT_DIR   Output directory
      -td TOOL_DIR  Compression tool directory
  • example:

    python extract -i ContainerImage.bin -od ExtDir
  • replace:

    usage: replace [-h] -i IMAGE [-o NEW_NAME] -n COMP_NAME -f
                                  COMP_FILE [-c {lz4,lzma,dummy}] [-k KEY_FILE]
                                  [-od OUT_DIR] [-td TOOL_DIR]
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help           show this help message and exit
      -i IMAGE             Container input image path
      -o NEW_NAME          Container new output image name
      -n COMP_NAME         Component name to replace
      -f COMP_FILE         Component input file path
      -c {lz4,lzma,dummy}  compression algorithm
      -k KEY_FILE          KEY_ID/Private key file path to sign component
      -od OUT_DIR          Output directory
      -td TOOL_DIR         Compression tool directory
      -s  SVN              Security version number for Component
  • example:

    python replace -i ContainerImage.bin -od Out -n CMDL -f new_cmdline.txt
  • sign:

    usage: sign [-h] -f COMP_FILE [-o SIGN_FILE]
                                [-c {lz4,lzma,dummy}] [-a {SHA2_256, SHA2_384, RSA2048_PKCS1_SHA2_256, RSA3072_PKCS1_SHA2_384, RSA2048_PSS_SHA2_256, RSA3072_PSS_SHA2_384, NONE}]
                                [-k KEY_FILE] [-od OUT_DIR] [-td TOOL_DIR]
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help                show this help message and exit
      -f COMP_FILE              Component input file path
      -o SIGN_FILE              Signed output image name
      -c {lz4,lzma,dummy}       compression algorithm
      -a {SHA2_256,
                                Authentication algorithm
      -k KEY_FILE               KEY_ID or Private key file path to sign component
      -od OUT_DIR               Output directory
      -td TOOL_DIR              Compression tool directory
  • example:

    python sign -f <ComponentImage/ContainerImage.bin> -c lz4 -td <path-to-Lz4Compress.exe>